Dear friends and colleagues!
Thrilled and honored to be featured in esteemed "TerraGreen" Magazine (Volume 17, June-July 2024 issue) with my latest interview on a decade of ocean action (at page 22 titled, "Healing the Blue Lung: A Decade of Ocean Action")!
Let's heal our blue planet together!! I would love to have your kind reactions!!!
Updated: May 14, 2024
Welcome to My Blog- Climate Crossroads: Protecting Oceans, Combating Climate Change!
Ocean, climate change, mitigation, SDG 14, SDG 13
For around three decades, I have been actively involved in the domain of environment and also contributed at my professional and individual levels to UNFCCC’- Conference of Parties (COPs) in recent years and have authored many articles and book in reputed publications. Keenly watching, analyzing and reporting progresses of Conference of Parties for past several years. Had on to my agenda to engage/advocate on "Role of Ocean in Climate Change" because ocean holds the key to mitigating its impact.
Blogger (Dr. Anil Pratap Singh) at Mumbai Port Trust, Mumbai, India discussing people on Protecting Oceans and Combating Climate Change
Why this Climate Crossroad is significant
Ocean cherishes incredible biodiversity i.e. around 80% of all life forms resides here. Also being an imperative source of sustenance and livelihood because it produces food, mineral and energy for life as essential not only for survival and but for being flourished as well. Due to ever increasing demand for food in the current pandemic of corona-virus, ocean is optimism. The livelihood and lives of more than 3 billion people highly rely on marine and coastal biodiversity. Since ocean not only absorbs large amounts (around 25%) of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) but also produce more than 50 percent of the essential oxygen. Minute ocean flora i.e. phytoplankton, mostly exist near surface of the water and drift with its currents, contribute 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. Using carbon dioxide and sunlight to make their food during photosynthesis, these phytoplankton generate oxygen, as a byproduct, which is essential for animals’ breath including human beings. Ocean not only absorbs CO2 emissions but also captures around 90 percent of the heat generated from these emissions and safeguards the planet against the brunt of climate change; thereby help in placating SDG-13 as well. In the meetings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), to achieve the objectives of the 14th Sustainable Development Goal i.e. 'Life Below Water, ocean issues incorporated into the ‘NDCs’ and 'National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)' by the Member States and in August 2015, 193 countries had appropriately agreed on this. Also, the period from 2021 to 2030 declared in the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as ‘UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development' more particularly to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-14 in order to conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas as well as marine resources. More than 3/4th of the biodiversity exist in ocean. Coastal regions were specifically important both because of livelihood and other economic activities including tourism and transportation. Also, the global ocean economic activity, per annum, was estimated between US$ 3 trillion to US$ 6 trillion contributing to the world economy i.e. ‘blue economy’. On the other hand, pollution, ocean-acidification, climate change etc. are creating turmoil in marine biochemistry and losses in its biodiversity, apprehending food and human welfare on the whole.
Closing Message to readers
"Everyday Actions for Healthy Oceans & Climate necessary towards empowering change."
Inviting readers to be the part of the solution and feel free to leave a comment. You can also buy my book, "Ocean & Environmental Sustainability" which is on limited-time one-month sale between 15th May 2024 to 15th June 2024 on the occasion of World Environment Day 2024. The title is of immense use both for students and professionals with interest in environmental sciences. The original cost is INR 250/- but you can have during the above mentioned period in just INR 99/- and even this INR 99/- will be used in "PLANTING THE TREE". You can directly pay by scanning the QR Code given below and email your postal address and proof of the payment to: (with the mention of number of copies as required). Wish you a happy reading!!!